Dilara Sezgin
Born in Izmir in 1988, Dilara Sezgin completed her undergraduate education in architecture at Bahçeşehir University and spent her final year as an exchange student at Mukogawa Women’s University in Japan. She earned a master’s degree in Architectural Design from Istanbul Bilgi University while working as a student assistant for a year.

In 2014, she joined Nevzat Sayın Architectural Services as a project architect, later becoming the architect responsible for communications and publications from 2016 to 2022. During this time, she began another master’s degree in Graphic Design at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, focusing her thesis on monographs designed by architects. With Pelin Derviş, she coordinated the design and publication of the books “Thoughts/Works 2004-2018” (2019) and “Architecture as a Geographical Issue” (2021) for YKY.

Alongside her architectural work, she created graphic designs for numerous publications, portfolios, corporate identities, and competition presentations. After completing her graduate studies in 2021, she started the Graphic Design Proficiency in Art program at MSGSU. In 2022, she founded Dilara Sezgin Design Studio and became a member of the Graphic Designers Professional Association.

Friends & Clients 
9016, Altunal Architects, Baraka, Baumi, Bilgin Studio, CAA Studio, CM Mimarlık, Flat /C, FREA, GIG, IMALAT-HANE, Integrare, Municipality of Istanbul, KAA Works, Kayabay Architecture, Kentsel Stratej, Konfida, MEF University, Nous, Praxis, SANATORIUM, Sense the Pebble, Sergen Şehitoğlu, SO?, Studio Per Se, SORS, YUNT

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I speak very fast
Mekan Konuşmaları No: 100 Pecha Kucha Night