Dilara Sezgin
was born in İzmir in 1988. She graduated from the Department of Architecture at Bahçeşehir University and studied as an exchange student for one semester at Mukogawa Women’s University in Japan. After completing her undergraduate studies, she obtained a Master’s degree in Architectural Design from İstanbul Bilgi University, where she also worked as a student assistant.

From 2014 to 2022, she was responsible for the office’s digital/printed publications and communication at Nevzat Sayın Architecture Services. In addition to her work at the office, she worked as a freelance graphic designer. In 2020, she completed her Master’s degree in Graphic Design at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, with a thesis on monographs designed by architects.

In 2022, she founded "Dilara Sezgin Design Studio," where she primarily works in the fields of architecture, culture, and art, focusing on areas such as corporate identity, communication design, editorial design, and wayfinding design. She is  a member of the Graphic Designers Professional Association.

Friends & Clients 
9016, Altunal Architects, Ayşe Draz, Baraka, Baumit, Bilgin Studio, Bursa Metropolitan Municipality, CAA Studio, CM Mimarlık, Flat /C, FREA, GIG, IMALAT-HANE, Integrare, İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality, İZMİRSmd, KAA Works, Kayabay Architecture, Kentsel Strateji, Konfida, LAB1, MEF University, Nous, ODE-S, Özgen Berkol Bilimkurgu Kütüphanesi, Praxis, SANATORIUM, Sense the Pebble, Sergen Şehitoğlu, SO?, Studio Per Se, Studio 14 Architects, SORS, VitrA, Yol, YUNT

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I speak very fast
Mekan Konuşmaları No: 100 Pecha Kucha Night